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murder mystery game today!

30 December 2014 by admin/Gary Published in: 2-FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS No comments yet

Where are the answers to the detectives’ questions?

I recently purchased the Alice in Wonderland Murder Mystery from your website, however, I just have one question: where are the answers to the detectives’ questions? Or should the characters just make up their own answers?

ANSWER:Thank you for the question. Yes the idea behind the detective questions is that this is an opportunity to force the other players to improvise. The non detective players have to come up with there own answers.

Also please note the detective questions are quite simple and most times they just ask the suspects to elaborate on something they already spoke of, giving the suspect the opportunity to improvise. However let your detectives know that they can make up there own questions if they find the supplied question is to simple. They can try and stump the suspect.
PS: Your detectives should also be the ones to read the recaps from each round.


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